Why PEC*PAD® Lint-free wipe Voids Guarantee for Sensor Cleaning.
Photographic Solutions is not aware of any manufacturer that uses PEC*PAD’s® Lint-free wipe for cleaning digital sensors. However, most manufacturers purchase our Sensor Swab® Digital Sensor Cleaner and now Sensor Swab ULTRA® Digital Sensor Cleaner along with Eclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluid to clean sensors at the factory or their Authorize Service Centers.
We do not recommend the use of PEC*PAD’s® Lint-free wipe at any time, for any reason, to clean your digital sensor. We also do not warranty against sensor damage when any-thing other than Sensor Swab® Digital Sensor Cleaner or Sensor Swab® ULTRA Digital Sensor Cleaner is used.
The reason we do not warrant the use of the PEC*PAD® Lint-free wipe on sensors is two-fold :
When we introduced these products in 1989, most camera manufacturers tested Eclipse and Sensor Swab® Digital Sensor Cleaner materials on their cameras and gave approval on their use. None of our other products were tested in this way and therefore we cannot recommend anything but Sensor Swab Digital Sensor Cleaner , and now, Sensor Swab® ULTRA Digital Sensor Cleaner . Sensor Swab® Digital Sensor Cleaner and Senor Swab® ULTRA Digital Sensor Cleaner have been designed to absorb Eclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluid and Aeroclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluids.
Secondly, and more critically, we have no control over the purity of the PEC*PAD® Lint-free wipe once the package is open, stored, handled, folded onto a handle of some type and then used. PEC*PAD’s® Lint-free wipe left in an open package, left on an unclean surface, handled with unclean fingers, etc. will not provide a satisfactory cleaning and may well cause physical damage to the sensor. Should damage occur in this instance, our Guarantee is void.