Eclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluid
Our Purest Lens Cleaner Available
While Eclipse® optic cleaning fluid is safe with proper cleaning technique, it can remove the coating with prolonged cleaning and aggressive pressure. This is due to the pure concentration of methanol in the solution. Aeroclipse® digital sensor cleaning fluid, to render it non-flammable, has considerably less methanol and is safe under all normal circumstances and proper technique.
ECLIPSE® optic cleaning fluid is the highest purity lens cleaner available. It dries as quickly as it can be applied, leaving absolutely no residue. That is why when it’s used with SENSOR SWAB® ULTRA digital sensor cleaner, is the only recommended cleaner for CCD and CMOS sensor cleaning. When used with PEC*PAD® non-abrasive wipes, ECLIPSE® optic cleaning fluid is also safe and ideal for lens and filter cleaning.
It is intended for all digital sensors and all critical optics. When used with PEC*PAD® non-abrasive wipes, it is possible to clean only the portion of the lens which is dirty, thus eliminating “hazy swirls”.
Directions for cleaning critical optics
Simply dispense several drops onto a clean, folded pad.
Wipe the surface until the dirty area has been covered.
Then slide the pad off the glass at an edge rather than lifting from the center of the surface.
Refold the pad to expose a clean side and re-wipe as necessary.
If streaks remain, use a clean pad and re-wipe as necessary.
Some experimentation may be required. Please note that other lens tissues may not work as well.
Note: AEROCLIPSE® digital sensor cleaning fluid is non-flammable yet has the same cleaning power as Eclipse® optic cleaning fluid!
Travel safe in checked or carry on baggage.
Directions for sensor cleaning with Sensor Swab® ULTRA digital sensor cleaning cleaner:
Blow off loose dust with Orbit® HEPA blower or brush.
Dispense several drops onto one of our swabs
With one side of the swab, firmly drag it across the sensor
Repeat in opposite direction using the clean side of the swab
Discard swab after use.
If necessary, use a new swab.
See our Sensor Swab ULTRA page for the video demonstration.