SensorSwab® ULTRA
The Original Sensor Cleaner
Designed for cleaning CCD and CMOS sensors
as well as any other delicate or hard-to-reach
optical and imaging surface. More Info.
Non-Abrasive Wipes
Lint-free, pure, soft, and versatile. Can be used to clean sensitive surfaces such as scanners, mirrors, lenses, telescopes, and printer heads. More Info.
Orbit® HEPA Blower
Dust & Moisture-free Air Blower
Approved by NASA for use on the International
Space Station. The critical first step in the
sensor and lens cleaning process. More Info.
Eclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluid
Our Purest Lens Cleaner Available
Guaranteed safe. Dries instantly, leaving
absolutely no residue. Intended for all digital
sensors and all critical optics. More Info.
Aeroclipse® Optic Cleaning Fluid
Digital Imaging Sensor Cleaner
Travel-safe, non-flammable. Superior purity.
Dries instantly, leaving absolutely no residue.
Safe for all digital sensors and optics. More Info.
Digital Survival Kit®
Everything You Need In One Kit
Contains everything needed to clean lenses, filters and camera sensors. Includes a travel-size, heavy duty nylon pouch. More Info.
E-Wipe® Professional
Cleaning System
For Critical Optics
Conveniently packaged combining an ultra pure,
non-abrasive PecPad® with a precise amount of
sterile, highly refined alcohol mixture. More Info.
Sensor Cleaning Swab Kit
Optic Cleaning Fluid + SensorSwab® ULTRA
Kit Includes: 6 Sensor Swabs and 1 Optic Cleaning Fluid
(Available with Eclipse or Aeroclipse)
For: Medium, Full, APS-C, APS-H Sensors
Photographic Emulsion Cleaner
Removes non-water-based stains, grease, and inks from most film and print emulsions. Waterless and dries instantly without leaving any residue, and meets archival needs. More Info.